Woo-hoo! Praise and appreciation for Behind the Scenes tours and tour leaders!
I want to tell you how very much I enjoyed our great trip to Bolivia and Peru, and it is all thanks to your superb contacts and organization. The trip met my wildest expectations – beyond how positive I thought it would be. I cherish my memories and know they will grow as time goes on. It was a joy traveling with you. Your great positive attitude and laid-back but still alert manner kept the trip relaxed and at the same time, moving right along… I would highly recommend this trip and others you lead to anyone.
J.H. – Pennsylvania
The 2018 Ghana trip was truly excellent and if I could, I would repeat it in exactly the same way. Very good selection of places to visit, excellent local guides, and it was great to have the opportunity to meet local artists and craftsmen plus a couple of 'hands-on' workshops. I enjoyed it very much and I learned a lot of new things! I give the tour 10/10, and I really cannot think of any criticism or suggestions for improvement.
Maria F. – Australia
I swear that Cynthia knows everybody in Cusco – from fabulous hoteliers, to wonderful restaurateurs, to doctors and taxi drivers–not forgetting jewelry and yarn shops (a kilo and half of alpaca for $30, anybody?)… With Nilda and Cynthia, our group visited four villages, each of which does a unique variation of traditional weaving and knitting. And yeah, Machu Picchu was wonderful, but it’s the villages and the people that I’ll never forget, and that I never would have experienced with your everyday, garden-variety tour.
Roxanne M.
Cynthia, I want to thank you for a fabulous trip! Turkey has got under my skin; I fell in love with the country and can’t stop thinking about it. It really was a tour of a lifetime. I loved the whole thing, especially the kindness and generosity of the Turkish people and hotels we stayed in, which were truly special. I am organizing my photos – a big job – and savoring the memories. I found a Middle Eastern market and am cooking some Turkish food but can’t find enough variety of olives. I was very inspired by the wonderful people everywhere we went. Thanks for putting together a fabulous trip!
Celeste N. – New Mexico
The Samakes’ “behind-the-scenes” adventures are perfect for meeting the people and for experiencing the realities of another country first-hand. Cynthia is a joy to travel with. She plans well in advance to see/visit points of your interest but remains flexible enough to change en route should some unexpected “must-see” event arise. She is fun to be with and skilled enough to make all things work out well. Barou is an invaluable source of knowledge, customs and language in these “near home” countries. Additionally, Barou’s family and friend connections, insight and general sense of adventure make touring with them a pleasure. These two trips are among the most memorable we have undertaken.
J. & B. Roth – California
My trip to Mali has taken some time to process; I know this because a day hasn’t passed when my thoughts haven’t turned to some aspect of the trip or sensation of the experience. From the complex and fascinating music, to the elegance of the women and men in their traditional clothing (while most of the village children were unkempt little waifs), to the stunning and sculpturally pleasing adobe architecture, to the wonderful variety of bazin, indigo, bogolan and celebration cloth, and to the many other crafts created with such skill and passion, the country is obviously a hothouse for creative energies. Thanks to all of you for making this adventure such a pleasant experience and companionable trip.
Diane G. – Ontario, Canada
You may have heard us praise the tours we've taken with Cynthia. We have been with her to Oaxaca, Mali, and Bolivia. Cynthia is an exceptional group leader, loads of fun, charming, and knowledgeable. There are several differences with Cynthia's tours from traveling with a large tour organization. Lodging is normally in locally owned/operated places, often modest, even small B&Bs. Cynthia chooses the restaurant, and you may order whatever you like from the menu – unless you're at a friend's home or enjoying a picnic lunch in the countryside. She has a planned itinerary, but she is quite flexible and very willing to take advantage of spur of the moment opportunities. If you are flexible, and you can laugh at inconveniences and enjoy indulgences, you'll love her trips. You will meet, visit, and often dine with prominent artisans. Her friends and contacts in the places we visited were extensive and exceptional. We have developed an interest in textiles (even Dave!) and we love the festivals.
Joyce and Dave C. – Southern CA
79 Tour Groups and Counting
Over the past 25 years, we have had the privilege of taking 79 groups of adventurous travelers all across the globe. While it would take a lot of space to show you all those groups, we want you to see what our small tour groups look like. Travelers from 18 to 85 have joined Behind the Scenes Adventures tours and at this point, over half have joined up for multiple tours. They often mention the ‘behind the scenes” activities, the personalized experiences of meeting local folks, the amazing guides and drivers, and the hands-on workshops as reasons to join a second or third time around.
We feel very lucky to have met so many wonderful people!
If you can picture yourself traveling with one of our groups, we would love
to have you join us.